What is Gum Recession?

  • Dr. Kübra Özaslan

  • 5 June 2022
  • 2 minutes

Gum recession is a disease known as the gums pulling over the tooth roots and exposing the roots.

It is observed that gaps form in the areas defined as gum lines. Gum recession can lead to tooth loss if left untreated, so it should be treated before it progresses too much.

What Causes Gum Recession?

What are the symptoms of gum recession?

How to Prevent Gum Recession?

How to Treat Gum Recession?

In order to treat receding gums, the necessary cleaning procedures must first be carried out. If the cause of gum recession is patient habits related to incorrect tooth brushing, these should be corrected. If there is gum recession caused by poorly made fillings or dentures, these fillings and dentures need to be renewed.

In the treatment, first of all, dental stones are cleaned with special tools. In cases of inflammation, deep scaling, which we call curettage, is performed under local anesthesia. In advanced cases, antibiotic treatment support may be needed. In addition, suitable antibacterial mouthwashes recommended by physicians can also be used.

In more advanced cases, the root surfaces, inside of the gums and the surfaces of the bones are cleaned from inflamed tissues. In cases of bone deficiency, treatment can be applied to the gums by applying bone powder called graft.