What is an Impacted Tooth?

  • Dr. Kübra Özaslan

  • 9 January 2020
  • 2 minutes

Empacted teeth are teeth that, although it is time to erupt, remain under the gum or bone for various reasons and cannot take their place in the mouth.

It is known that wisdom teeth are most commonly impacted in the oral environment.

What are the symptoms of impacted teeth?

Empacted teeth may cause a feeling of squeezing in the front teeth and crookedness of the teeth as they try to find a place for themselves in the jaw.
Semi-buried teeth may cause food accumulation under the gums from the opening into the mouth. These accumulations can cause infection. With this infection, conditions such as swelling in the mouth, pain, and difficulty in opening the mouth may occur.

Impacted teeth can put pressure on adjacent teeth and cause decay. Impacted teeth that remain unnoticed for many years can cause cysts in the jaw.

How is Impacted Tooth Extraction Performed?

>Tooth extraction may be a surgical or normal extraction, depending on the position, shape and size of the tooth. It is performed under local anesthesia and patients do not feel any pain during the procedure. In impacted tooth surgery, the gum or bone around the tooth is removed and the impacted tooth is extracted. After the extraction, hospitalization is not required and the patient can continue his normal life. After the procedure, there may be mild pain and swelling that can be controlled with painkillers.

Is Impacted Tooth Surgery Difficult?

Impacted tooth surgery is not as difficult as you imagine. Regional or general anesthesia is administered before the surgery, so the patient does not feel any pain during the procedure. In this way, no difficulties arise during the process. The procedure takes approximately one hour and any pain that may occur after the procedure is prevented by the medications your doctor will prescribe. For this reason, impacted tooth surgery is very easy both during and after the procedure.

What Should Be Considered After Impacted Tooth Extraction?

What Happens If The Impacted Tooth Is Not Extracted?

The problem with impacted teeth is that they cannot come out of the gums in a healthy way like other teeth, so when the impacted tooth encounters this problem, it starts to abscess and swell. Teeth that do not grow vertically and grow sideways put pressure on other teeth, causing deformities and pain. At the same time, impacted teeth can cause food accumulation and cause decay in other teeth.

Should Every Impacted Tooth Be Extracted?

Completely impacted wisdom teeth do not have to be removed as long as they do not cause decay in adjacent teeth, gingivitis or cystic formations in the surrounding tissues. Regular follow-up with radiological and doctor control is sufficient.